Client: Subsonic
—A series of posters for a monthly dubstep event in Groningen, always featuring a gasmasked person in some way or another. In total I created more than 40 posters for this event.
In Het Hol van de Leeuw
Client: DOX/Black Sheep Can Fly
Animated poster for the play In het Hol van de Leeuw (In the Lion's Den). A story about a young man in a prison cell, struggling with his demons. In this musical performance, directors
Saman Amini & Nima Mohaghegh make you
contemplate the labels we put on ourselfs and others, and the strength we need to brake free from this pigeonholing.
In Het Hol van de Leeuw
Client: DOX/Black Sheep Can Fly—
Animated poster for the play In het Hol van de Leeuw (In the Lion's Den). A story about a young man in a prison cell, struggling with his demons. In this musical performance, directors Saman Amini & Nima Mohaghegh make you contemplate the labels we put on ourselfs and others, and the strength we need to brake free from this pigeonholing.